Xtreme Pong Game Rules

    • Games are won when one player hits the following point totals or is up in points at the end of the allotted round time. (There is no win by two rule.)
      • First round = 20 points or 6 minutes
      • Quarter Finals = 25 points or 10 minutes
      • Semi Finals = 30 points or 12 minutes
      • Finals = 40 points or 15 minutes
    • No hiding the ball on your serve. The ball must rest on an open hand palm. Then it must be tossed up at least 6 inches and struck so the ball first bounces off the server’s side and then the opponent’s side.
    • You’re free to serve anywhere on the table, however the ball cannot fall off the side of the table. It must bounce twice or fall off the end of the table, but not the side.
    • Players switch serves and sides of the table every 5 points.
    • Distractions will be placed upon players at random times for a total duration of one-minute.
    • Players will be penalized points or disqualified entirely for intentional delay of game.
    • First serve will be decided at random by the tournament.
    • Olympic table tennis regulations will govern the tournament if not further clarified above.